So I was thinking that since this blog is posted on the Blue Chip website I should give some more information about being part of Black Opal. First, let me tell you that everyone in Black Opal is so nice and welcoming. Particpating in the Black Opal exchange was one of my favorite experiences as a Blue Chip member.
As a Black Opal member I particpated in their Phase II group which is equivalent to Blue Chip's Phase II and Phase III groups. Black Opal only has three phases, as Uni there is usually just three years. Like Blue Chip, Black Opal has different groups you can be part of in Phase II. I was in Global.
One of my first experiences with Black Opal was the Diversity Camp. It took place during UOWs Easter Break. Its a three day camp. Actually, Black Opal does a Phase camp each year for each phase. I don't want to give away to much about the camp because its one of thoes experiences you gain more as you experience it. But the camp was one of my favorite experiences studying abroad. I made so many friends during that time. Plus you get to see some of the beauty that is Australia.
Much like with Blue Chip, Black Opal teams have weekly meetings. For Phase II each week a different topic is discussed and debated that is related to your theme. For example being in Global we did discussions and learned about such topics like poverty. Which I know is discussed in America as well but you get to see it in a perspective of your peers who live in another country. Part of Phase II is to put on a campus and community project. Our team decided to target the problem of lack of clean water in many developing countries. For our campus project we fundraised and educated fellow UOW students on this important problem. We raised over $600. This sess my team is doing Walk4Water as their community project. They are getting community of Wollongong together for a walk (like AIDS Walk) to raise money to help bring clean water to East Timor.
I met so many passionate, commited, and bright leaders by being part of Black Opal. It gave me the opportunity to learn about issues that I didn't even consider before. I gained understanding of different perspectives on many diverse issues and topics. All the while I gained first hand experiences of leadership through the campus project.
If you have any more questions about Black Opal Exchange please do not hesitate to contact me. My email is
Friday, September 26, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
The Last Blog
So this is it. My last blog in Australia. Reflection time.
I write this, the morning of my departure. I didn't get much sleep last night. A mixture of reasons.
For the past couple of days now it feels like everything has been coming in full circle. Songs that haven't been sang since the start were sang again. Things we used to do but hadn't in awhile were being done again. People quickly in masses leaving. Leaving the campus in the same atmosphere as I had arrived. Even as I type this I hear the familiar sounds of birds. The sounds I heard the first morning here.
I cannot find the words to express just how I feel. It isn't even torn anymore...more like bittersweet if anything. Its just I'm not ready to leave. I love it here way to much. I've grown to attach. So much so that every time I've tried to go to sleep here for over a week now; all I could think about is how soon I could come back and for how long. As if I needed to assure myself before I could go to sleep that I would be back.
At this moment, there are two important life lessons, that come to mind that I've learned while in Australia...
Quality is better than quantity.
That it all really is to short to dwell on the negative. Forgive and focus on the positive.
I write this, the morning of my departure. I didn't get much sleep last night. A mixture of reasons.
For the past couple of days now it feels like everything has been coming in full circle. Songs that haven't been sang since the start were sang again. Things we used to do but hadn't in awhile were being done again. People quickly in masses leaving. Leaving the campus in the same atmosphere as I had arrived. Even as I type this I hear the familiar sounds of birds. The sounds I heard the first morning here.
I cannot find the words to express just how I feel. It isn't even torn anymore...more like bittersweet if anything. Its just I'm not ready to leave. I love it here way to much. I've grown to attach. So much so that every time I've tried to go to sleep here for over a week now; all I could think about is how soon I could come back and for how long. As if I needed to assure myself before I could go to sleep that I would be back.
At this moment, there are two important life lessons, that come to mind that I've learned while in Australia...
Quality is better than quantity.
That it all really is to short to dwell on the negative. Forgive and focus on the positive.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Saying my Goodbyes
And so it begins, the process of letting go.
By far this has been and will be the hardest goodbye I have ever made in my life. The process started to day as people slowly trickle out of my life.
As I've been saying to everyone here...I'm not leaving them, they are leaving me. Most people are done with exams and are now heading home for the break. I don't leave till this coming Tuesday. By then very few people will be around. By then I will have said goodbye to people that I never imaged meeting in my life but that my life is now all that much better because of them.
I haven't cried yet and I don't know if I will. I'm not much of a crier when it comes to goodbyes. I tend to just get a heavy heart.
These past few days have been even more amazing by the fact that I've been able to enjoy everyone's company one last time. I did movie day with Stefan. Afternoon hang outs with Katherine, Lewis, and Tom. And of course nights out. Yesterday was my last Glassy's...well not last last (at least I hope not), but last for at least another year.
I've decided with much determination that I will return here this time next year. It may seem silly to spend money on a airplane ticket, to see a place I've already seen instead of going some place new. But Australia has officially become my other home. Not returning here seems much more silly than not.
I've been in the process of packing for the last couple of days as well. However, I still have yet set in stone how I'm getting to the airport. haha. See much Australia has already changed me? I'm usually a planner. These kind of very important details I normally have worked out months in advance.
By far this has been and will be the hardest goodbye I have ever made in my life. The process started to day as people slowly trickle out of my life.
As I've been saying to everyone here...I'm not leaving them, they are leaving me. Most people are done with exams and are now heading home for the break. I don't leave till this coming Tuesday. By then very few people will be around. By then I will have said goodbye to people that I never imaged meeting in my life but that my life is now all that much better because of them.
I haven't cried yet and I don't know if I will. I'm not much of a crier when it comes to goodbyes. I tend to just get a heavy heart.
These past few days have been even more amazing by the fact that I've been able to enjoy everyone's company one last time. I did movie day with Stefan. Afternoon hang outs with Katherine, Lewis, and Tom. And of course nights out. Yesterday was my last Glassy's...well not last last (at least I hope not), but last for at least another year.
I've decided with much determination that I will return here this time next year. It may seem silly to spend money on a airplane ticket, to see a place I've already seen instead of going some place new. But Australia has officially become my other home. Not returning here seems much more silly than not.
I've been in the process of packing for the last couple of days as well. However, I still have yet set in stone how I'm getting to the airport. haha. See much Australia has already changed me? I'm usually a planner. These kind of very important details I normally have worked out months in advance.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
End of Uni and My 21st!
I don't even know where to start...
Uni is finally over for me. I took my last exam this past Friday. It still has yet to hit me that Exams are over, I just turned 21, and I have to leave soon.
My Planet Earth exam was difficult...I wanted to say...a b*$#%.... Considering how much I studied for it I feel uneasy on how well I actually did and should have done. Whatever. It is over. My Cold War/Vietnam exam was a piece of cake. Although I will cry if I find out I actually did horrid on it.
My birthday celebration began Wednesday night with a night at Glassy's with Emma. It was amazing night. ;)
Then Friday I went to Sydney to get meet with Lindsey. Emma came with and we went to Patty's market to go shopping. I'm in love with Patty's market. It is the best place ever for souvenir shopping but also any thing else your heart could ever want. No joke. I got so much stuff for such a great deal.
I've also ready decided I'll pack of the things I collected here in a suitcase and just send some clothes home via the post office. Should some of my clothes get lost I can just use it as a reason to buy some more. haha.
So back to Friday...after Patty's market (which if you ever come to Australia...DO NOT buy any souvenirs any where BUT Patty's market. You'll regret it because you'll go to the market and see everything you already bought at prices that will make you think you're dreaming and then want to cry for spending so much money already).
After Patty's market we headed around St. George Street looking for food. We ended up at Mamma's kitchen. Can I say...good food. We were surprised. Oh and I swear every time I got to Sydney I always find an excuse for needing hot guys to lift me. There were two steps to get into Mamma's kitchen so I had to of the waiters help me in. :)
After dinner it was to Cheers for a drink. Then to Baskin Robins for my chocolate chip. By that point we were ready to go home.
We had an interesting experience at Central. Advice: Do not ride trains in/around Sydney on Friday/Saturday nights. At least have a group of friends and always be aware of what is going on. Luckily I had Emma, Lindsey, and my pepper spray. Not that I needed to use my pepper spray but yeah there were a few interesting characters out.
Saturday Lindsey and I spent the day at the mall getting our nails done and then to North Wollongong Beach for lunch. Good day.
Saturday night was spent getting ready, eating at Nam's and dancing at Glassy's. Good birthday. No doubt one of my best birthday's ever.
I esp. have to say a BIG THANK YOU to all my friends who came out even though they still have a few exams to go. You guys are amazing. xoxo
Here's to being 21.
It still hasn't hit me.
Now its time to relax, enjoy Australia, and pack. :) Oh and figure out how I'm getting to the
Uni is finally over for me. I took my last exam this past Friday. It still has yet to hit me that Exams are over, I just turned 21, and I have to leave soon.
My Planet Earth exam was difficult...I wanted to say...a b*$#%.... Considering how much I studied for it I feel uneasy on how well I actually did and should have done. Whatever. It is over. My Cold War/Vietnam exam was a piece of cake. Although I will cry if I find out I actually did horrid on it.
My birthday celebration began Wednesday night with a night at Glassy's with Emma. It was amazing night. ;)
Then Friday I went to Sydney to get meet with Lindsey. Emma came with and we went to Patty's market to go shopping. I'm in love with Patty's market. It is the best place ever for souvenir shopping but also any thing else your heart could ever want. No joke. I got so much stuff for such a great deal.
I've also ready decided I'll pack of the things I collected here in a suitcase and just send some clothes home via the post office. Should some of my clothes get lost I can just use it as a reason to buy some more. haha.
So back to Friday...after Patty's market (which if you ever come to Australia...DO NOT buy any souvenirs any where BUT Patty's market. You'll regret it because you'll go to the market and see everything you already bought at prices that will make you think you're dreaming and then want to cry for spending so much money already).
After Patty's market we headed around St. George Street looking for food. We ended up at Mamma's kitchen. Can I say...good food. We were surprised. Oh and I swear every time I got to Sydney I always find an excuse for needing hot guys to lift me. There were two steps to get into Mamma's kitchen so I had to of the waiters help me in. :)
After dinner it was to Cheers for a drink. Then to Baskin Robins for my chocolate chip. By that point we were ready to go home.
We had an interesting experience at Central. Advice: Do not ride trains in/around Sydney on Friday/Saturday nights. At least have a group of friends and always be aware of what is going on. Luckily I had Emma, Lindsey, and my pepper spray. Not that I needed to use my pepper spray but yeah there were a few interesting characters out.
Saturday Lindsey and I spent the day at the mall getting our nails done and then to North Wollongong Beach for lunch. Good day.
Saturday night was spent getting ready, eating at Nam's and dancing at Glassy's. Good birthday. No doubt one of my best birthday's ever.
I esp. have to say a BIG THANK YOU to all my friends who came out even though they still have a few exams to go. You guys are amazing. xoxo
Here's to being 21.
It still hasn't hit me.
Now its time to relax, enjoy Australia, and pack. :) Oh and figure out how I'm getting to the
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Study Week
So I'm liking this whole getting a week to study before exams. However, I wish I could say I have been taking full of advantage of it. I'm seriously lucky if I clock in three or more hours. Actually, no I always clock in three hours. I'm lucky if its ever more than that. Which is fusterating me so much. I have all this time to be able to study for just two exams and I'm not taking as much advantage of it as I could or should. Though I must say a girl can only read about rocks for so long.
Its been ridicules, no joke, non-stop raining for several days now. I was reading my past blogs and last time the weather was this horrible was during mid-session too. I think it knows when exams and stress is upon us and has decided to make the atmosphere fit everyone's moods. It does make being inside easier to cope with but it always makes people feel low. Well it make me feel low. It makes me unproductive. The days I haven't gone to Uni to study I haven't gotten up till 11am. It is 3am right now here and I have yet to fallen asleep. This is not good consider I'm suppose to be going to Uni study...9am.
Oh and just a word of advice, which I know you won't follow, and shouldn't...but I'll say it anyway...try to stay away from boys when you study abroad. They're just horrible distractions who will break your heart just like the boys in America. ;)
Last Friday was my last Black Opal meeting. Then Monday it was the end of Session Black Opal social. Which was absolutely amazing and fun. There were mocktails, food, and dancing. What more could a girl ask for?!
The other night I had a dream about home. I was happy to me back. I haven't dreamed about home since the first few nights I was here. but seriously in my joke, I was thinking about how soon I can return to Australia.
It has been from that point on that I have realized I do not want to come back home. I'm not ready to leave. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely, truly, crazy, miss everyone back home. BUT I absolutely, truly, love my life here too.
Its been ridicules, no joke, non-stop raining for several days now. I was reading my past blogs and last time the weather was this horrible was during mid-session too. I think it knows when exams and stress is upon us and has decided to make the atmosphere fit everyone's moods. It does make being inside easier to cope with but it always makes people feel low. Well it make me feel low. It makes me unproductive. The days I haven't gone to Uni to study I haven't gotten up till 11am. It is 3am right now here and I have yet to fallen asleep. This is not good consider I'm suppose to be going to Uni study...9am.
Oh and just a word of advice, which I know you won't follow, and shouldn't...but I'll say it anyway...try to stay away from boys when you study abroad. They're just horrible distractions who will break your heart just like the boys in America. ;)
Last Friday was my last Black Opal meeting. Then Monday it was the end of Session Black Opal social. Which was absolutely amazing and fun. There were mocktails, food, and dancing. What more could a girl ask for?!
The other night I had a dream about home. I was happy to me back. I haven't dreamed about home since the first few nights I was here. but seriously in my joke, I was thinking about how soon I can return to Australia.
It has been from that point on that I have realized I do not want to come back home. I'm not ready to leave. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely, truly, crazy, miss everyone back home. BUT I absolutely, truly, love my life here too.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
No More Uni
So today was my last day of Uni. Actually it really hasn't set in to me that Uni is over...I guess the fact that I still have a paper and two final exams makes feeling done not possible.
The stress of it all is setting in. I've discovered the downside of your grade being based on just a few assignments. A) when the end of session comes close, you still don't know what your grade will be because you still have 50% yet counted. B) It all comes at once. Although it does that back home too...
I don't know.
I'm feeling pretty apprehensive about this Planet Earth final exam I have. I haven't felt this unprepared since my Psych 101 class back in freshmen year. At least starting this weekend I'll really be able to focus on it. It really does help when you enjoy the subject. Here in Australia they don't have to take so many random courses like we do back at UA.
All my mind can focus on is that once June 13th at 12:15pm I will be done with Uni here in Australia and I'll be able to enjoy it all.
But it freaks me out because it also means I need to start packing and finding a way back home...but most of all it means I have to say goodbye.
Its hard to explain how I feel. Its hard to explain once you form a life somewhere, to think you have to say goodbye to it.
eh, I'm just rambling now...
I realized in the last couple of days as I've been more studious, out of need,lol I miss alone time! I don't get much of it here but out of choice. However, as social as I am I do need me time.
Its true you do learn more about yourself when you study abroad. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around all that I've discovered about myself.
The stress of it all is setting in. I've discovered the downside of your grade being based on just a few assignments. A) when the end of session comes close, you still don't know what your grade will be because you still have 50% yet counted. B) It all comes at once. Although it does that back home too...
I don't know.
I'm feeling pretty apprehensive about this Planet Earth final exam I have. I haven't felt this unprepared since my Psych 101 class back in freshmen year. At least starting this weekend I'll really be able to focus on it. It really does help when you enjoy the subject. Here in Australia they don't have to take so many random courses like we do back at UA.
All my mind can focus on is that once June 13th at 12:15pm I will be done with Uni here in Australia and I'll be able to enjoy it all.
But it freaks me out because it also means I need to start packing and finding a way back home...but most of all it means I have to say goodbye.
Its hard to explain how I feel. Its hard to explain once you form a life somewhere, to think you have to say goodbye to it.
eh, I'm just rambling now...
I realized in the last couple of days as I've been more studious, out of need,lol I miss alone time! I don't get much of it here but out of choice. However, as social as I am I do need me time.
Its true you do learn more about yourself when you study abroad. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around all that I've discovered about myself.
Friday, May 23, 2008
One Month
That is all I have left?! One month...before I am...home, where my thoughts escaping, home, where my music’s playing, home, where my love lies waiting silently for me.
Half of me cannot wait to be home. I need to feel the comfort of my bed. I need to see my family and friends again. I need to remember what Tucson looks like. I need to taste the spicy flavors of Mexican food.
But then the other half feels that means there is only a month left. Only a month left to stay up late talking to Stefan. Only one month left of enjoying Ivan's gossip updates. Only one month left of Kate coming to use my bathroom for the mirror as she gets ready to go out at night. One month left of Campus East food. One month left of grocery shopping with Suzie on the weekends. One month left of hanging out with the girls. One month left of watching movies I always meant to see. One month left of Glassy's. One month left of my favorite spot at Uni. One month left of coffee's from the library coffee shop with the cute guys. One month left of continuing making memories that I could never had imagine.
I want to make the most of it and I don't want it to slip me by.
My heart feels torn and I can only image how it will feel the night before I leave...
For although I have every intention of coming back, it just won't be the same.
In other recent and great news...
I went out Wednesday and it was amazing. :)
I got a Distinction on my Hitler and Stalin paper, my 300 level course. Heck Yes.
Half of me cannot wait to be home. I need to feel the comfort of my bed. I need to see my family and friends again. I need to remember what Tucson looks like. I need to taste the spicy flavors of Mexican food.
But then the other half feels that means there is only a month left. Only a month left to stay up late talking to Stefan. Only one month left of enjoying Ivan's gossip updates. Only one month left of Kate coming to use my bathroom for the mirror as she gets ready to go out at night. One month left of Campus East food. One month left of grocery shopping with Suzie on the weekends. One month left of hanging out with the girls. One month left of watching movies I always meant to see. One month left of Glassy's. One month left of my favorite spot at Uni. One month left of coffee's from the library coffee shop with the cute guys. One month left of continuing making memories that I could never had imagine.
I want to make the most of it and I don't want it to slip me by.
My heart feels torn and I can only image how it will feel the night before I leave...
For although I have every intention of coming back, it just won't be the same.
In other recent and great news...
I went out Wednesday and it was amazing. :)
I got a Distinction on my Hitler and Stalin paper, my 300 level course. Heck Yes.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
In Routine
I'm hoping as I type this blog a title for it will eventually come. I usually think of titles before typing. I seriously sometimes sit in class, if the class is dull and think of a title for a blog or my Facebook status. haha. It is so funny how technology has become so important in our lives. Funny or scary. Depending on how you look at it. Ah! Look at me going on a rant. Further evidence that I've been procrastinating full on this past week.
This past Tuesday was our WellFair Day event. When I say our, I'm referring to my Black Opal group here. It was a great event. We raised $620! I'm very proud to be able to say I was part of that. That goal is the most any Black Opal Phase II group has ever raised. The event ran very smooth and I think we got our message across to a few people at least. If I get some pictures of it I'll be sure to post.
I'm two more papers and three exams away from being done. All I can think about is the freedom I will be enjoying for 10 days when I'm done. I'm super excited that my last exam is Friday, June 13th!!! I'm thinking of hoping on a train to Sydney. Hopefully meeting Lindsey there. Then coming down that night and the next night...guess what?! Its my birthday. It is kind of disappointing though that very few people will be done with exams at that point. Seriously its a lose lose situation my birthday. Back home everyone is always away on my birthday and here we have stupid exams. Oh well.
I went shopping yesterday. I intended to buy two dresses. I ended up with just a black clutch purse. Its funny how whenever I go with the intentions to spend lots of money I don't but when I don't want to spend lots of money I do.
Oh I forgot to mention. So you know that paper that I got a 62 on?! I took it to my Tutor again. She still stands by her belief that she thought I would have at least received a Credit. She gave me 5 extra points which bumped me up to a Credit. She couldn't give me more but that is okay Credit = happy. :) Now I just have to worry about last paper...for that class. Which again not being graded by our tutors and this time they can't give us extra points. :/
Sorry this blog is kind of...blah. Things are good. I'm procrastinating with school work because I lack motivation. Compared to everyone else I really have nothing to do. Things are blah I think because I'm in routine.
I'm somewhat worried now because next week is the last week of classes and I really don't know what my grades are in most of my courses as they all lay in the balance of the papers I just turned in and the exams I will be taking.
I'm noticing that I'm getting lots of views on this blog! YAY! Do you have any questions? Things about studying abroad that I'm not answering in my bogs? Feel free to post a comment to ask or you can email me too at
I don't bite.
Oh and I know I mentioned in one my first blogs that I suck at grammar but I also such at typos. :/ I was reading some past blogs and seeing all these typo errors I made. Sorry!
This past Tuesday was our WellFair Day event. When I say our, I'm referring to my Black Opal group here. It was a great event. We raised $620! I'm very proud to be able to say I was part of that. That goal is the most any Black Opal Phase II group has ever raised. The event ran very smooth and I think we got our message across to a few people at least. If I get some pictures of it I'll be sure to post.
I'm two more papers and three exams away from being done. All I can think about is the freedom I will be enjoying for 10 days when I'm done. I'm super excited that my last exam is Friday, June 13th!!! I'm thinking of hoping on a train to Sydney. Hopefully meeting Lindsey there. Then coming down that night and the next night...guess what?! Its my birthday. It is kind of disappointing though that very few people will be done with exams at that point. Seriously its a lose lose situation my birthday. Back home everyone is always away on my birthday and here we have stupid exams. Oh well.
I went shopping yesterday. I intended to buy two dresses. I ended up with just a black clutch purse. Its funny how whenever I go with the intentions to spend lots of money I don't but when I don't want to spend lots of money I do.
Oh I forgot to mention. So you know that paper that I got a 62 on?! I took it to my Tutor again. She still stands by her belief that she thought I would have at least received a Credit. She gave me 5 extra points which bumped me up to a Credit. She couldn't give me more but that is okay Credit = happy. :) Now I just have to worry about last paper...for that class. Which again not being graded by our tutors and this time they can't give us extra points. :/
Sorry this blog is kind of...blah. Things are good. I'm procrastinating with school work because I lack motivation. Compared to everyone else I really have nothing to do. Things are blah I think because I'm in routine.
I'm somewhat worried now because next week is the last week of classes and I really don't know what my grades are in most of my courses as they all lay in the balance of the papers I just turned in and the exams I will be taking.
I'm noticing that I'm getting lots of views on this blog! YAY! Do you have any questions? Things about studying abroad that I'm not answering in my bogs? Feel free to post a comment to ask or you can email me too at
I don't bite.
Oh and I know I mentioned in one my first blogs that I suck at grammar but I also such at typos. :/ I was reading some past blogs and seeing all these typo errors I made. Sorry!
Friday, May 9, 2008
The Panics!
I had almost forgotten the rush I get when I go to a concert. It all came back again last night. I feel that a piece of my soul has been rejuvenated.
Check out "The Panics" on MySpace music.
In the mean is lines from a song of theirs that played right now that just hit me as relating to me...
Its from the song, "Creak"
I just wanted to be somewhere else for a while
I was looking for a little bit more
but now I've been away so long
I don't remember what I'm looking for
Melissa has come and gone. It was fun having her around for a few days because I've been wanting to be able to share all this with everyone back home.
Here are some pictures from the night. Yes, I met them. Its my thing. I can't get enough of musicians. If I could drop out of Uni and become a groupie I would!

Check out "The Panics" on MySpace music.
In the mean is lines from a song of theirs that played right now that just hit me as relating to me...
Its from the song, "Creak"
I just wanted to be somewhere else for a while
I was looking for a little bit more
but now I've been away so long
I don't remember what I'm looking for
Melissa has come and gone. It was fun having her around for a few days because I've been wanting to be able to share all this with everyone back home.
Here are some pictures from the night. Yes, I met them. Its my thing. I can't get enough of musicians. If I could drop out of Uni and become a groupie I would!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Stress Sinks, Junk Food Helps
Updating time...
I've avoided writing for a while because I've been trying to get my mind around everything. I went through a mini phase of questioning everything. All because of a paper. I received my first paper back that I turned in for a grade, last Thursday. I got 62/100. Which translates into P for Passing.
The grading system goes something like this:
HD-High Distinction
P/C-Pass Conceded
So many thoughts and feelings ran around my head. I thought, "oh crap this is what I get for having TOO MUCH fun." To things like anger because I had reviewed it with my tutor prior to turning it in and she told me it was good. Unfortunately she isn't the one who graded it. I also began to doubt my intelligence, sort of. It just made me wonder, how my intelligence measured up to the rest of the world. I've only been exposed to America's grading scale. I began to wonder is it that lenient that I look great there but really kind of suck?!
This grade led me to wonder just how much I have changing here. Doing things I never said I would or acting in ways I don't normally.
In addition, this weekend I've also began to feel just how long its been since I've seen my mom, sister, and brother. Before I knew it but it was this weekend I felt it. I've realized just how much I relied on them for simple weekend lunches that I am used to back home as ways to de-stress.
I've also been realizing that my TV watching back home may not be such a time waster after all but another important activity in my life to bring me some balance.
I'm better about the whole paper thing. And if I'm completely honest with myself I know it isn't the best paper I have ever written. Although I can't blame that on having "too much" fun because I had that paper done a week before it was due. I'm using that P grade to remind myself that I'm just not that girl that can be happy with passing because I know my abilities. It also helps that compared to a lot of people with the paper I did pretty good.
I just want to reinforce that I still believe studying abroad is the best decision I have ever made. These questioning phases that I go through here are exactly like I do back home. I think it is just a sign of how comfortable I have gotten here.
I'm learning things about myself, who I want to be, etc. I think right now its all to much to take but I know with time from now I'll be able to reflect and understand more it all.
I just tended to be a bit dramatic. ;) Which studying abroad, in Australia esp. has helped me realize I could learn a few things about just chilling. Not to take things too personally and go with the flow. I'm working on it.
I went to this Emotional Intelligence Workshop for Black Opal. I really enjoyed it. The speaker was engaging and I learned more about where I am in emotional intelligence and how I can be stronger in that area. Emotional intelligence is about how well you know yourself and how well you know others. One of the most powerful things I learned from it was that, emotions don't equal fact. And he kept saying this thing, that I keep saying now when I have a thought in my head that I don't want...and that is "Oh thank you mind for sharing that with me" Which goes back to when it comes to negative emotions it is important to acknowledge them but don't let them consume you. :) He also reminded me that I need to put things in perspective. At the end of day remember, what is really important. A year from now, heck even a few months from now, how much am I going to remember that P grade vs. my overall experience in Australia?
I'm super excited about this upcoming week. Melissa from Millennial project is coming. She's going to be filming some of my study abroad experience. In addition, with my Black Opal group, we are putting on Well Fair Day. It is the goal to raise money to assist Water Aid in their goals of bringing clean water and sanitation to countries in need. Before this session I never understood the lack of just clean water that so many people have to face on a daily basis. Next Tuesday at Uni we are going to be doing a couple of activities: African Water Hole and Winning Wishing Well in order to not only raise money but education Uni students of this fundamental right that all people are entitled too but don't have access to.
One last thing, last Tuesday in my Vietnam and Cold War Tutorial we discussed the United States. It was extremely interesting to hear how my peers felt about us. I was the only American so it was a bit confronting. It was frustrating to hear how much how others view us is based on our political leaders, i.e. Bush. Esp. how because our political leaders make decisions it is a general belief that the decisions they make are how we as a public feel. It just reinforced just how important it is to vote.
I've avoided writing for a while because I've been trying to get my mind around everything. I went through a mini phase of questioning everything. All because of a paper. I received my first paper back that I turned in for a grade, last Thursday. I got 62/100. Which translates into P for Passing.
The grading system goes something like this:
HD-High Distinction
P/C-Pass Conceded
So many thoughts and feelings ran around my head. I thought, "oh crap this is what I get for having TOO MUCH fun." To things like anger because I had reviewed it with my tutor prior to turning it in and she told me it was good. Unfortunately she isn't the one who graded it. I also began to doubt my intelligence, sort of. It just made me wonder, how my intelligence measured up to the rest of the world. I've only been exposed to America's grading scale. I began to wonder is it that lenient that I look great there but really kind of suck?!
This grade led me to wonder just how much I have changing here. Doing things I never said I would or acting in ways I don't normally.
In addition, this weekend I've also began to feel just how long its been since I've seen my mom, sister, and brother. Before I knew it but it was this weekend I felt it. I've realized just how much I relied on them for simple weekend lunches that I am used to back home as ways to de-stress.
I've also been realizing that my TV watching back home may not be such a time waster after all but another important activity in my life to bring me some balance.
I'm better about the whole paper thing. And if I'm completely honest with myself I know it isn't the best paper I have ever written. Although I can't blame that on having "too much" fun because I had that paper done a week before it was due. I'm using that P grade to remind myself that I'm just not that girl that can be happy with passing because I know my abilities. It also helps that compared to a lot of people with the paper I did pretty good.
I just want to reinforce that I still believe studying abroad is the best decision I have ever made. These questioning phases that I go through here are exactly like I do back home. I think it is just a sign of how comfortable I have gotten here.
I'm learning things about myself, who I want to be, etc. I think right now its all to much to take but I know with time from now I'll be able to reflect and understand more it all.
I just tended to be a bit dramatic. ;) Which studying abroad, in Australia esp. has helped me realize I could learn a few things about just chilling. Not to take things too personally and go with the flow. I'm working on it.
I went to this Emotional Intelligence Workshop for Black Opal. I really enjoyed it. The speaker was engaging and I learned more about where I am in emotional intelligence and how I can be stronger in that area. Emotional intelligence is about how well you know yourself and how well you know others. One of the most powerful things I learned from it was that, emotions don't equal fact. And he kept saying this thing, that I keep saying now when I have a thought in my head that I don't want...and that is "Oh thank you mind for sharing that with me" Which goes back to when it comes to negative emotions it is important to acknowledge them but don't let them consume you. :) He also reminded me that I need to put things in perspective. At the end of day remember, what is really important. A year from now, heck even a few months from now, how much am I going to remember that P grade vs. my overall experience in Australia?
I'm super excited about this upcoming week. Melissa from Millennial project is coming. She's going to be filming some of my study abroad experience. In addition, with my Black Opal group, we are putting on Well Fair Day. It is the goal to raise money to assist Water Aid in their goals of bringing clean water and sanitation to countries in need. Before this session I never understood the lack of just clean water that so many people have to face on a daily basis. Next Tuesday at Uni we are going to be doing a couple of activities: African Water Hole and Winning Wishing Well in order to not only raise money but education Uni students of this fundamental right that all people are entitled too but don't have access to.
One last thing, last Tuesday in my Vietnam and Cold War Tutorial we discussed the United States. It was extremely interesting to hear how my peers felt about us. I was the only American so it was a bit confronting. It was frustrating to hear how much how others view us is based on our political leaders, i.e. Bush. Esp. how because our political leaders make decisions it is a general belief that the decisions they make are how we as a public feel. It just reinforced just how important it is to vote.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
ANZAC Day and Taronga Zoo
It is pitch black out and cold. Slowly groups of people make their way to the center of town. They gather around. For awhile, there is just the sounds of voices in conversation. Then all of a sudden the beat of drums begin. In formation men in uniform march through the crowd into the center. The ceremony begins. Prayers are read. It begins to rain. And as if part of the ceremony, in unison people pull their umbrellas. The ceremony goes on. We are reminded of the sacrifice of the men who have served Australia in war. Emphasis is placed on the Gallipoli the battle that is said to be the day Australia became recognized as its own country. The Australia anthem is played. It commences the Dawn Service of ANZAC Day.
ANZAC Day is like Veteran's Day back home. However, more emphasis is placed on it here. It is also a excuse people use to drink super early in the morning and all through the day. After the ceremony a breakfast was served, all they asked for was a gold coin donation. In return we received a full on breakfast (eggs, bacon, hash browns ect) and a fee drink (which could have been alcohol if you so chose).
Saturday I hopped on a train with my friend Suzie and her sister Megan. We went to Sydney to the Taronga Zoo. Can I say amazing? I feel so at home in Sydney. Taronga Zoo seriously puts Reid Park to shame. I rode a ferry for the first time and the Skyline is so much cooler than the one at the Blue Mountains. I got to see kangaroos which is pretty much all I really wanted to see since I was in Australia after all. I also saw koala bears, zebras, birds, lions, giraffes ect.
I also fell in love (in a motherly way) with this adorable cute little boy who only spoke Japanese so he had no idea what I was saying. It was so cute he kept inching his way close and closer to me. And then he played footsies with me. When he put his hand in mind I realized just how precious life is.
It was a good thing I met that boy because all that day I kept thinking how annoying little kids are. Trying to remember why it is I want to work with them when I grow up and have children of my own one day.
I'll post pictures up soon! Right now I'm trying to be productive in life since I pretty much enjoyed this weekend. haha.
ANZAC Day is like Veteran's Day back home. However, more emphasis is placed on it here. It is also a excuse people use to drink super early in the morning and all through the day. After the ceremony a breakfast was served, all they asked for was a gold coin donation. In return we received a full on breakfast (eggs, bacon, hash browns ect) and a fee drink (which could have been alcohol if you so chose).
Saturday I hopped on a train with my friend Suzie and her sister Megan. We went to Sydney to the Taronga Zoo. Can I say amazing? I feel so at home in Sydney. Taronga Zoo seriously puts Reid Park to shame. I rode a ferry for the first time and the Skyline is so much cooler than the one at the Blue Mountains. I got to see kangaroos which is pretty much all I really wanted to see since I was in Australia after all. I also saw koala bears, zebras, birds, lions, giraffes ect.
I also fell in love (in a motherly way) with this adorable cute little boy who only spoke Japanese so he had no idea what I was saying. It was so cute he kept inching his way close and closer to me. And then he played footsies with me. When he put his hand in mind I realized just how precious life is.
It was a good thing I met that boy because all that day I kept thinking how annoying little kids are. Trying to remember why it is I want to work with them when I grow up and have children of my own one day.
I'll post pictures up soon! Right now I'm trying to be productive in life since I pretty much enjoyed this weekend. haha.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Nan Tiem Temple
I went to a Buddhist temple today with my Black Opal group. Once you drove into the grounds you immediately felt like you have traveled to a different country. The trees and plants are all different from the ones I've seen in Wollongong. Which is saying a lot because even the plants and trees I've seen in Wollongong are different to me than the desert plants I'm used to back home. The grounds at Nan Tiem are very well taken care of.
Nan Tiem was built in 1993 and lucky for me was very wheelchair accessible.
Upon arrival we immediately are taken to eat some tasty vegetarian food. I normally do not like curry but I liked it there. At this point though any food that isn't Campus East is amazing to me. We also had tempura which reminded me of home and going with my friends to Japanese restaurants. :)
Afterwards we had a guide take us around the grounds and to the temples. It was interesting to hear about Buddhism and what everything means to them. Later on he also discussed the basics of Buddhism. Most of it I'll be completely honest I really didn't absorbed. But this is how I interpreted the main message: That it is important to experience the here and now. Not to dwell on the past or look to the future. Expectations usually let people down because we are never satisfied and always want more, even when we get what we want. So we shouldn't expect things but enjoy what we have, enjoy the present.
I've always wanted to learn more about other religions so I'm really glad I had the opportunity to learn about Buddhism.
We also did some Tai Chi and meditation. I had a really hard time clearing my mind. Although some how I fell a sleep for brief moments here and there. lol Not that it was boring. However, I had thought the meditation would be my favorite part and actually I enjoyed Tai Chi the best.
And now I'm in my room (as it continues to rain outsides....) eating BBQ rice crackers (not the kind in the states that are rice cakes) these are crackers and I'm addicted to them. hehe.
Here are some pictures:

Nan Tiem was built in 1993 and lucky for me was very wheelchair accessible.
Upon arrival we immediately are taken to eat some tasty vegetarian food. I normally do not like curry but I liked it there. At this point though any food that isn't Campus East is amazing to me. We also had tempura which reminded me of home and going with my friends to Japanese restaurants. :)
Afterwards we had a guide take us around the grounds and to the temples. It was interesting to hear about Buddhism and what everything means to them. Later on he also discussed the basics of Buddhism. Most of it I'll be completely honest I really didn't absorbed. But this is how I interpreted the main message: That it is important to experience the here and now. Not to dwell on the past or look to the future. Expectations usually let people down because we are never satisfied and always want more, even when we get what we want. So we shouldn't expect things but enjoy what we have, enjoy the present.
I've always wanted to learn more about other religions so I'm really glad I had the opportunity to learn about Buddhism.
We also did some Tai Chi and meditation. I had a really hard time clearing my mind. Although some how I fell a sleep for brief moments here and there. lol Not that it was boring. However, I had thought the meditation would be my favorite part and actually I enjoyed Tai Chi the best.
And now I'm in my room (as it continues to rain outsides....) eating BBQ rice crackers (not the kind in the states that are rice cakes) these are crackers and I'm addicted to them. hehe.
Here are some pictures:
Friday, April 18, 2008
Just Updating
I realized its been a bit since I last wrote. Not much really has been happening here though.
The weather has been rainy for almost a week now. No bueno. I've been kind of in a funk. I have started to realize just how long its been since I've seen family and friends back home. In addition, everyone here is super stressed and busy with their mid-sessions. I on the other had have none so I have been bored. I've been trying to slowly work toward getting my 5 bijillion papers done. The fear of them hang over me. As I'm terrified I won't get them done some how. It is 10x worse that I'm kind of a perfectionist in the sense I need to put a 110% in each paper and not just pop it out the night before. I need to feel I really truly did my best.
For the past couple of weeks, one night a week, a group of girls and I have been cooking each other dinner. This week it was pizza. I was pretty impressed at how well it turned out. The other week we had a meat pie. It was steak and mushroom. Yeah, pretty much amazing. :)
Last night was a Black Opal social. I have such a good time hanging out with Phase II people here. Seriously, I look forward to my Friday meetings because it is a guarantee I will laugh soo much. For the social last night we watched "The Dead Poets Society" I highly recommend it.
Tonight I just had a mini-marathon of Grey's. And although it was episodes I've already seen it was fun watching it as I miss it dearly. I forgot how much Grey's keeps me sane.
The weather has been rainy for almost a week now. No bueno. I've been kind of in a funk. I have started to realize just how long its been since I've seen family and friends back home. In addition, everyone here is super stressed and busy with their mid-sessions. I on the other had have none so I have been bored. I've been trying to slowly work toward getting my 5 bijillion papers done. The fear of them hang over me. As I'm terrified I won't get them done some how. It is 10x worse that I'm kind of a perfectionist in the sense I need to put a 110% in each paper and not just pop it out the night before. I need to feel I really truly did my best.
For the past couple of weeks, one night a week, a group of girls and I have been cooking each other dinner. This week it was pizza. I was pretty impressed at how well it turned out. The other week we had a meat pie. It was steak and mushroom. Yeah, pretty much amazing. :)
Last night was a Black Opal social. I have such a good time hanging out with Phase II people here. Seriously, I look forward to my Friday meetings because it is a guarantee I will laugh soo much. For the social last night we watched "The Dead Poets Society" I highly recommend it.
Tonight I just had a mini-marathon of Grey's. And although it was episodes I've already seen it was fun watching it as I miss it dearly. I forgot how much Grey's keeps me sane.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Getting Focused...
Or at least trying too. As May is quickly approaching which also means I have 5 bijillion papers to write by then. Yes, I'm freaking out just a bit about it.
I need to look at the plus...I have no exams until Finals.
I'm trying to get more focused...aka spend more time in my room and less time socializing. That isn't working out so well for me as I spend most of my time on Facebook. I think Facebook should invent something where you can lock yourself out of your profile for a couple of days.
I actually have found I am more productive (at least here in Australia) when I am around people and studying then I am on my own. Which makes sense since back at good old UA I get a lot of homework done when I'm working the front desk.
I'm realizing how fast time is going by. It is now a common occurrence for someone or myself to point out that I only have three more months left...Which in one perspective is a lot because it has only been 2 months so far...
I kind wish I had started saving more money up for Australia sooner because I kind of wish I had made it to New Zealand. From what I have heard it is beautiful there and I've realized of late how much I love the great outdoors.
So much so that I fell asleep today at my favorite spot. The weather was absolutely perfect and I couldn't resist.
The past few days it has been rainy. No beuno.
Last weekend I was spontaneous and I went to Cold Rocks (ice cream shop) with some girls and then we took a walk along the beach. I was able to find the Southern Cross which was awesome!
I went out to dinner for the first time here too. We went to this Vietnamese Restaurant. It was exciting for me at least because I'm used to going out at least once a week back in Tucson.
Oh and I got these amazing boots. They were on sale too! I'll be taking many pictures of me in them...soon. Promise.
Other than the usual: eating, spending money, studying...ect. There isn't much to report.
I need to look at the plus...I have no exams until Finals.
I'm trying to get more focused...aka spend more time in my room and less time socializing. That isn't working out so well for me as I spend most of my time on Facebook. I think Facebook should invent something where you can lock yourself out of your profile for a couple of days.
I actually have found I am more productive (at least here in Australia) when I am around people and studying then I am on my own. Which makes sense since back at good old UA I get a lot of homework done when I'm working the front desk.
I'm realizing how fast time is going by. It is now a common occurrence for someone or myself to point out that I only have three more months left...Which in one perspective is a lot because it has only been 2 months so far...
I kind wish I had started saving more money up for Australia sooner because I kind of wish I had made it to New Zealand. From what I have heard it is beautiful there and I've realized of late how much I love the great outdoors.
So much so that I fell asleep today at my favorite spot. The weather was absolutely perfect and I couldn't resist.
The past few days it has been rainy. No beuno.
Last weekend I was spontaneous and I went to Cold Rocks (ice cream shop) with some girls and then we took a walk along the beach. I was able to find the Southern Cross which was awesome!
I went out to dinner for the first time here too. We went to this Vietnamese Restaurant. It was exciting for me at least because I'm used to going out at least once a week back in Tucson.
Oh and I got these amazing boots. They were on sale too! I'll be taking many pictures of me in them...soon. Promise.
Other than the usual: eating, spending money, studying...ect. There isn't much to report.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Diversity Camp with Black Opal
I just got back from Diversity Camp with Black Opal. I had an amazing time and I'm really glad I went. It is camps like Diversity that help me focus and refine what it is in life that I want and matters to me. In additon I met some awesome people.
At first it was awkward because I didn't know anyone and none of the staff was around when we loaded the buses to camp but the girls were more than willing to help get me on the bus. However, the whole awkwardness that was there because none of the guys really knew me quickly faded because for the rest of the camp I had no problem getting people to lift me up steps, carry me, and push me. One of the best parts of the trip was a hike we took and there was a lot of up hill and of course down hill parts and I had two guys who were champions and pushed me and carried me up that mountain. We had a nice inside joke going on and got people to believe that they jogged all the way down the mountain with me. haha. Despite all there teasing I felt very safe with them though I am sure some people were somewhat nerves because the two guys were also the biggest jokesters at camp.
Although many of the activities we did were ones I had done before it was interesting for me to see it done different and with different people. I also realized (not that I already knew this...) that I still have so much growing to do and that my eyes still have so much to see and understand.
Tony's (coordinator of Black Opal) 2 year old son was also around and he was just the cutest thing ever. He stole my heart. He had so much energy and at meal times I would chase him around and he would chase me around. haha. When he said goodbye before he left kissed my face to death. haha. It is when I see little kids full of life and innocence that I remember how important it is to be to become a Child Life Specialist.
Changing the subject slightly....
Something ironic happen to me just before I left for camp. I was waiting outside Uni by the taxi pull out area. It was early in the morning and no one was around. This old lady comes by. She starts talking. I just thought she was the typical old ladies that come by me and say nice things, blah blah. Quickly I realized she wasn't one of those ladies and actually she was verbally attacking me because of my race. According to her the reason I am in a wheelchair is because I am Asian and that Asians are aliens and that the alien has kidnapped my body. She was vicious. I ignored her. She even said if she could she would hit me over the head...when she said that I knew I really needed to keep my mouth shut because I didn't need her to get physical specially since I was alone. 5-10 minutes later she finally leaves and I'm left baffled because I have never experience racism before. I've heard of it of course but never first hand. It was a interesting experience to say the least. Of course it effected me a bit but I think it was kind good (in a strange way I know) that I experienced something like understand at least for myself how it feels to be in that position esp. since that is something I'm trying to fight, racism. last thing. I wrote a poem at camp. It was "I Am" poem. Since I've written one before and trying to write another one like it is difficult I did one on Australia so far...I think it sums up pretty well everything...
I am from my first airplane ride alone
From my 5 hour lay over in LAX
And from my 13 hour flight to Sydney with the feeling of excitement
I am from my first few days at Campus East and feeling homesick
I am from feeling alone to quickly feeling at home
I am from my first look at Uni
Falling in love with it
Finding my favorite spot
And never seeing so much green in my life
I am from trips to the beach and getting lost in the mall
From Supree shopping and postcard picking
From spending to much money and not having a care in the world
I am from my first trip to Glassy's, Ivory, and Castros
From friends who take the taxi with me
From dancing the night away and falling in love with Aussie boys who dance
From late night singing sessions
And from caramel lattes to get me through the day
I am from tea time with sandwiches and nutella
From learning to enjoy cream in my team
And from learning the difference between jelly and jam
I am from 3 hour long dinners
From inappropriate conversations
And from being part of the loudest table but loving every minute of it
I am from midnight conversations with Ivan and Stefan
From becoming their "other" roommate
From movie nights, study sessions, and inside jokes
From YouTube videos and music that from now on whenever I heart it in my heart I'll always be dancing with them in the summer rain
I am from being spontaneous for once in my life
From free rides and living off of Hungry Jacks
From tourist spots to great outdoors
From first train rides and trips on the trolly
From walks on the harbour and never wanting to leave
I am from too many pictures but not enough
From laugher that being me to tears
Moments that I never dreamed of
And from finding more of myself while losing pieces along the way
I am from being here only 2 months and already knowing that leaving will be one of the hardest things I've ever done
At first it was awkward because I didn't know anyone and none of the staff was around when we loaded the buses to camp but the girls were more than willing to help get me on the bus. However, the whole awkwardness that was there because none of the guys really knew me quickly faded because for the rest of the camp I had no problem getting people to lift me up steps, carry me, and push me. One of the best parts of the trip was a hike we took and there was a lot of up hill and of course down hill parts and I had two guys who were champions and pushed me and carried me up that mountain. We had a nice inside joke going on and got people to believe that they jogged all the way down the mountain with me. haha. Despite all there teasing I felt very safe with them though I am sure some people were somewhat nerves because the two guys were also the biggest jokesters at camp.
Although many of the activities we did were ones I had done before it was interesting for me to see it done different and with different people. I also realized (not that I already knew this...) that I still have so much growing to do and that my eyes still have so much to see and understand.
Tony's (coordinator of Black Opal) 2 year old son was also around and he was just the cutest thing ever. He stole my heart. He had so much energy and at meal times I would chase him around and he would chase me around. haha. When he said goodbye before he left kissed my face to death. haha. It is when I see little kids full of life and innocence that I remember how important it is to be to become a Child Life Specialist.
Changing the subject slightly....
Something ironic happen to me just before I left for camp. I was waiting outside Uni by the taxi pull out area. It was early in the morning and no one was around. This old lady comes by. She starts talking. I just thought she was the typical old ladies that come by me and say nice things, blah blah. Quickly I realized she wasn't one of those ladies and actually she was verbally attacking me because of my race. According to her the reason I am in a wheelchair is because I am Asian and that Asians are aliens and that the alien has kidnapped my body. She was vicious. I ignored her. She even said if she could she would hit me over the head...when she said that I knew I really needed to keep my mouth shut because I didn't need her to get physical specially since I was alone. 5-10 minutes later she finally leaves and I'm left baffled because I have never experience racism before. I've heard of it of course but never first hand. It was a interesting experience to say the least. Of course it effected me a bit but I think it was kind good (in a strange way I know) that I experienced something like understand at least for myself how it feels to be in that position esp. since that is something I'm trying to fight, racism. last thing. I wrote a poem at camp. It was "I Am" poem. Since I've written one before and trying to write another one like it is difficult I did one on Australia so far...I think it sums up pretty well everything...
I am from my first airplane ride alone
From my 5 hour lay over in LAX
And from my 13 hour flight to Sydney with the feeling of excitement
I am from my first few days at Campus East and feeling homesick
I am from feeling alone to quickly feeling at home
I am from my first look at Uni
Falling in love with it
Finding my favorite spot
And never seeing so much green in my life
I am from trips to the beach and getting lost in the mall
From Supree shopping and postcard picking
From spending to much money and not having a care in the world
I am from my first trip to Glassy's, Ivory, and Castros
From friends who take the taxi with me
From dancing the night away and falling in love with Aussie boys who dance
From late night singing sessions
And from caramel lattes to get me through the day
I am from tea time with sandwiches and nutella
From learning to enjoy cream in my team
And from learning the difference between jelly and jam
I am from 3 hour long dinners
From inappropriate conversations
And from being part of the loudest table but loving every minute of it
I am from midnight conversations with Ivan and Stefan
From becoming their "other" roommate
From movie nights, study sessions, and inside jokes
From YouTube videos and music that from now on whenever I heart it in my heart I'll always be dancing with them in the summer rain
I am from being spontaneous for once in my life
From free rides and living off of Hungry Jacks
From tourist spots to great outdoors
From first train rides and trips on the trolly
From walks on the harbour and never wanting to leave
I am from too many pictures but not enough
From laugher that being me to tears
Moments that I never dreamed of
And from finding more of myself while losing pieces along the way
I am from being here only 2 months and already knowing that leaving will be one of the hardest things I've ever done
Monday, March 24, 2008
Falling In Love With sYdNey
I have no idea where to begin and once I do how I can stop. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around all that happen in Sydney. Which honestly wasn't as crazy as it may sound but if you consider my standards of craziness it was.
There is not enough time in a day or energy in me to give you a play by play instead I'll try to give you some highlights...and let your imagination take care of the rest.
I was a mix of emotions before I left. I was surprisingly calm while a bit apprehensive since it was my first time riding a train and alone. I've been doing that a lot lately...:)
My trip to Sydney was good boost in self confidence. I love the city because as a wheelchair user it is easier to get around. Granted that the sidewalk ramps kind of suck because most of them had lips so I had to go backwards on all of them...
I almost fell out of my chair like three times! Once when I got to Central Station in Sydney, another when I was trying to cross the street but there was a lip, and one other time when I was getting on the Skyway at the Blue Mountains.
But compared to Wollongong (although I love it here...) I could go places easily on a bus or train. Which means a lot cheaper. Plus I got really lucky and almost never paid for a bus ride. Which isn't standard since my friend Colin in Sydney who is in a wheelchair too says he's been paying the whole time. haha.
But here are all the places I went:
Sydney Opera House
Darling harbor
The Rock (Its the oldest part of Sydney which also means not so much wheelchair accessibility) BUT getting into the expensive shops like Tiffany's was not
Sydney Tower
Minus Five (A club in Sydney that the room is minus 5 degrees)
Botanical Gardens
White Mountains
By the end of the first day money was already running low....But I was able to get all my souvenir and gift shopping done. In addition to buy yet another cute dress. Hey it was only $10! haha
Things I experienced:
street corners
running into people I know on the street
sharks on top of me
meat pies (with free sausage roll!)
free pictures from Minus Five (normally cost $30!)
creepy guys
staying in a hostel (wheelchair accessible: YHA Railway)
being spontaneous
trolley ride (wheelchair accessible up in Blue Mountains!)
train rides
train stations
finding a beer I like
wine tasting
living off Hungry Jacks, coffee, and some sleep
Tai food
drunk texting (but not really being drunk...)
free rides
naked men
cute guys opening doors
cute bartenders
cute but dumb waiters
romantic walks on harbour
realizing I need a rich boyfriend
places closing by 4pm
charging chair in coffee shops
and I'm sure so much more that I am not
Sydney was amazing. I was sad to leave.
Kind of changing of subject...
I've started to notice how things keep happening when I leave. That life goes on. Not that I didn't think that was going happen. I knew it would...but it feels strange to talk to my family back home or talk to friends and hear all that is happening to them. I sometimes feel like I'm missing out. Even here, I left Campus East just for a few days and I come back to all this stuff happening...I just wish I could be in two places at once. I think that is were the homesickness comes in.
I've been trying to post pictures but blogspot isn't cooperating....I'll figure out a way some how. Just not right now because I need to get some homework done as I am leaving again tomorrow morning bright and early for camp.
There is not enough time in a day or energy in me to give you a play by play instead I'll try to give you some highlights...and let your imagination take care of the rest.
I was a mix of emotions before I left. I was surprisingly calm while a bit apprehensive since it was my first time riding a train and alone. I've been doing that a lot lately...:)
My trip to Sydney was good boost in self confidence. I love the city because as a wheelchair user it is easier to get around. Granted that the sidewalk ramps kind of suck because most of them had lips so I had to go backwards on all of them...
I almost fell out of my chair like three times! Once when I got to Central Station in Sydney, another when I was trying to cross the street but there was a lip, and one other time when I was getting on the Skyway at the Blue Mountains.
But compared to Wollongong (although I love it here...) I could go places easily on a bus or train. Which means a lot cheaper. Plus I got really lucky and almost never paid for a bus ride. Which isn't standard since my friend Colin in Sydney who is in a wheelchair too says he's been paying the whole time. haha.
But here are all the places I went:
Sydney Opera House
Darling harbor
The Rock (Its the oldest part of Sydney which also means not so much wheelchair accessibility) BUT getting into the expensive shops like Tiffany's was not
Sydney Tower
Minus Five (A club in Sydney that the room is minus 5 degrees)
Botanical Gardens
White Mountains
By the end of the first day money was already running low....But I was able to get all my souvenir and gift shopping done. In addition to buy yet another cute dress. Hey it was only $10! haha
Things I experienced:
street corners
running into people I know on the street
sharks on top of me
meat pies (with free sausage roll!)
free pictures from Minus Five (normally cost $30!)
creepy guys
staying in a hostel (wheelchair accessible: YHA Railway)
being spontaneous
trolley ride (wheelchair accessible up in Blue Mountains!)
train rides
train stations
finding a beer I like
wine tasting
living off Hungry Jacks, coffee, and some sleep
Tai food
drunk texting (but not really being drunk...)
free rides
naked men
cute guys opening doors
cute bartenders
cute but dumb waiters
romantic walks on harbour
realizing I need a rich boyfriend
places closing by 4pm
charging chair in coffee shops
and I'm sure so much more that I am not
Sydney was amazing. I was sad to leave.
Kind of changing of subject...
I've started to notice how things keep happening when I leave. That life goes on. Not that I didn't think that was going happen. I knew it would...but it feels strange to talk to my family back home or talk to friends and hear all that is happening to them. I sometimes feel like I'm missing out. Even here, I left Campus East just for a few days and I come back to all this stuff happening...I just wish I could be in two places at once. I think that is were the homesickness comes in.
I've been trying to post pictures but blogspot isn't cooperating....I'll figure out a way some how. Just not right now because I need to get some homework done as I am leaving again tomorrow morning bright and early for camp.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Feeling at Home
Sorry it has been awhile since my last posted. I tried putting this up last week but it didn't work. :(
I've been here for over a month now and I'm starting to realize how much at home I feel here.
Here are some of the signs:
*My pimples have returned
*I'm freaking out about school
*I'm on Facebook all the time
Things I'm missing (besides of course my family and friends):
*Food! American food. I miss my Jimmy John's, Chipotle, and Pei Wei's. Most of all I miss Starbucks. Maybe I'll get some when I am in Sydney next week! I also miss American junk food.
*Tucson weather. At least its predictable and not all humid.
*Familiar places i.e. Fry's and Target
*TV. I have no TV here and I'm really missing my shows.
*Less Bugs. Seriously everywhere I go there is a bug.
*My room at VDP. I miss the spaciousness of it and the at home feeling I had created.
*I miss working the front desk.
Oh and its St. Patrick's Day and I wish at I was home because my mom always makes me corn beef! Which is my favorite.
Ok, I'll stop there because I'm just going to make myself depressed.
I also know I'm settling in here because things go wrong here as they do back home. But that is the thing...things will always go wrong, no matter where you are. So why not have some new experiences with that (to make the bad better).
Apparently I'm not that American (which is a good thing here). Honestly I think I'm pretty American. I like a lot of American culture.
Classes still going ok. Except I hate Planet Earth because it makes me feel stupid. Science is not my thing. I like my Stalin and Hitler class and my Cold War class. I find it interesting. But then again that is my thing.
This time next week I'll be in Sydney I couldn't be any more excited about. I bit apprehensive about it because I've never rode a train before and because I have so much homework to do before then because I won't get anything done during break!
I've been trying to post pictures with this blog but Blogger isn't cooperating. I'll post pictures soon!
I've been here for over a month now and I'm starting to realize how much at home I feel here.
Here are some of the signs:
*My pimples have returned
*I'm freaking out about school
*I'm on Facebook all the time
Things I'm missing (besides of course my family and friends):
*Food! American food. I miss my Jimmy John's, Chipotle, and Pei Wei's. Most of all I miss Starbucks. Maybe I'll get some when I am in Sydney next week! I also miss American junk food.
*Tucson weather. At least its predictable and not all humid.
*Familiar places i.e. Fry's and Target
*TV. I have no TV here and I'm really missing my shows.
*Less Bugs. Seriously everywhere I go there is a bug.
*My room at VDP. I miss the spaciousness of it and the at home feeling I had created.
*I miss working the front desk.
Oh and its St. Patrick's Day and I wish at I was home because my mom always makes me corn beef! Which is my favorite.
Ok, I'll stop there because I'm just going to make myself depressed.
I also know I'm settling in here because things go wrong here as they do back home. But that is the thing...things will always go wrong, no matter where you are. So why not have some new experiences with that (to make the bad better).
Apparently I'm not that American (which is a good thing here). Honestly I think I'm pretty American. I like a lot of American culture.
Classes still going ok. Except I hate Planet Earth because it makes me feel stupid. Science is not my thing. I like my Stalin and Hitler class and my Cold War class. I find it interesting. But then again that is my thing.
This time next week I'll be in Sydney I couldn't be any more excited about. I bit apprehensive about it because I've never rode a train before and because I have so much homework to do before then because I won't get anything done during break!
I've been trying to post pictures with this blog but Blogger isn't cooperating. I'll post pictures soon!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Blue Butterflies, Lizards, and Dragonfly, Oh My!
So it has been a bit since I have written. A testament that I have been buckling down. Not really actually. If I really was getting in school mode I wouldn't be writing this blog, I would be reading the four chapters I need to read and finishing up that annotated bibliography.
I really took myself seriously when I told myself that I would take it easy while I was here. Its not that I'm not getting things done or that I'm just doing a half way job. Its just that I'm much more lazzie fair about school work then I'm in the States. It causes me moments of uneasiness which quickly fade away as I leave my room to go hang out with people.
I found a new lunch spot and I also found an awesome place to eat. My new lunch spot is right above a small waterfall. I needed to find a new spot as my other spot has been invaded. As many of my other places here seem to be.
Anyways the only problem with this new spot of mine is that it is also occupied by this tailless lizard. I believe his tail was brutally cut off. He always waits for me to get comfortable before he makes his appearance and startles me. I believe he gets great enjoyment out of this. I think I need to name him. Any suggestions?
While eating yesterday I also had the enjoyment of seeing my first dragonfly. At least I believe she's my first dragonfly because I can't recall ever seeing one before. I also had the pleasure of enjoying company of a magnficant blue-turquoise and black butterfly. The butterfly reminded me of those silky dress shirts that are all the rage now.
I had a entertaining dinner conversation last night. Not that most of my dinners here aren't entertaining. My friend Ivan and I enjoy making people uncomfortable with our very open conversations...But last night I was talking to a couple of other guys. They cannot understand how Americans eat apples with peanut butter. I've met a few people already who have never had a PBJ! They honestly are mystified on how people could enjoy peanut butter on apples. Although, personally I do not enjoy it either I cannot find what is so strange. With the PBJ scenario though I kept calling jam, jelly. This received very perplexed faces. I couldn't understand why. Well, its because jelly here means Jello. haha. I couldn't stop laughing at the image I was giving them of PBJs.
Academically UOW reminds me of UA as in the weight of work. I'll let you know how the grading is here though. Lauren describes it as being difficult to receive high distinction but difficult to fail too. They don't do the whole A, B, C thing here. They do High distinction, distinction, credit, pass, and fail.
I really took myself seriously when I told myself that I would take it easy while I was here. Its not that I'm not getting things done or that I'm just doing a half way job. Its just that I'm much more lazzie fair about school work then I'm in the States. It causes me moments of uneasiness which quickly fade away as I leave my room to go hang out with people.
I found a new lunch spot and I also found an awesome place to eat. My new lunch spot is right above a small waterfall. I needed to find a new spot as my other spot has been invaded. As many of my other places here seem to be.
Anyways the only problem with this new spot of mine is that it is also occupied by this tailless lizard. I believe his tail was brutally cut off. He always waits for me to get comfortable before he makes his appearance and startles me. I believe he gets great enjoyment out of this. I think I need to name him. Any suggestions?
While eating yesterday I also had the enjoyment of seeing my first dragonfly. At least I believe she's my first dragonfly because I can't recall ever seeing one before. I also had the pleasure of enjoying company of a magnficant blue-turquoise and black butterfly. The butterfly reminded me of those silky dress shirts that are all the rage now.
I had a entertaining dinner conversation last night. Not that most of my dinners here aren't entertaining. My friend Ivan and I enjoy making people uncomfortable with our very open conversations...But last night I was talking to a couple of other guys. They cannot understand how Americans eat apples with peanut butter. I've met a few people already who have never had a PBJ! They honestly are mystified on how people could enjoy peanut butter on apples. Although, personally I do not enjoy it either I cannot find what is so strange. With the PBJ scenario though I kept calling jam, jelly. This received very perplexed faces. I couldn't understand why. Well, its because jelly here means Jello. haha. I couldn't stop laughing at the image I was giving them of PBJs.
Academically UOW reminds me of UA as in the weight of work. I'll let you know how the grading is here though. Lauren describes it as being difficult to receive high distinction but difficult to fail too. They don't do the whole A, B, C thing here. They do High distinction, distinction, credit, pass, and fail.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Video Clips of N. Gong
Here is some video footage of N. Gong. Enjoy! P.S. the last blog, the video one...should be working now. :)
Friday, February 29, 2008
North Wollongong
The last few days I've felt that I've allowed myself to get comfortable and not out of my comfortable zone. In addition I feel that there is so much I could be doing but haven't. Which is why I made it a goal for this weekend to make it to North Wollongong beach and tomorrow the Science Centre and Planetarium.
I was somewhat hesitant of going to N. Wollongong not knowing what to expect. I can now safely say I'm so glad I did. It was beautiful. I realize I say that about everything here... but it was a different kind of beautiful than everything else I've seen.
Laugh, but I seriously got teary eyed as I was making my way around the beach. Coming to the beach was another step forward for me. A realization again to myself just how much I can accomplish on my own. How much I've accomplished so far. How I wasn't imagining this at all but that it was all very much real. I wasn't laying in bed back in Tucson dreaming being near the ocean but actually there.
Part of my "I feel like an adult" experience included treating myself to a very nice lunch. I figure if no one else is going to spoil me I might as well spoil myself. I needed it. Last night I had start feeling a bit sad that my friends weren't here to experience all this with me. Along with the lunch I decided to order wine. A. It was just exhilarating to be in a restaurant and order wine. B. I have concluded that the reason people drink wine with meals and say that wine help bring out the taste in a meal is because wine is so disgusting that after you sip it and then take a bite of your food. Your food taste so absolutely delicious! :) are some more amazing pictures!

I was somewhat hesitant of going to N. Wollongong not knowing what to expect. I can now safely say I'm so glad I did. It was beautiful. I realize I say that about everything here... but it was a different kind of beautiful than everything else I've seen.
Laugh, but I seriously got teary eyed as I was making my way around the beach. Coming to the beach was another step forward for me. A realization again to myself just how much I can accomplish on my own. How much I've accomplished so far. How I wasn't imagining this at all but that it was all very much real. I wasn't laying in bed back in Tucson dreaming being near the ocean but actually there.
Part of my "I feel like an adult" experience included treating myself to a very nice lunch. I figure if no one else is going to spoil me I might as well spoil myself. I needed it. Last night I had start feeling a bit sad that my friends weren't here to experience all this with me. Along with the lunch I decided to order wine. A. It was just exhilarating to be in a restaurant and order wine. B. I have concluded that the reason people drink wine with meals and say that wine help bring out the taste in a meal is because wine is so disgusting that after you sip it and then take a bite of your food. Your food taste so absolutely delicious! :) are some more amazing pictures!
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