Sunday, January 6, 2008

Yucky Shots

Hey I hope everyone's holidays was good. I haven't posted in awhile because there really isn't anything else to do right now except leave...

I went to the doctors the other day and I had to get three shots! I still need to get one more. You should check on that now too if you plan on traveling because for example the hepatitis A shot requires two shots but they need to be spaced by two months.

I'm still waiting on my plan tickets....I'm a little nervous. I had a nightmare about it a couple of weeks ago. I dreamed that it was time to go but I had no tickets.

I'm also trying to figure out how to get all the things I need in two suitcases and one carry on. Any advice?

Tip of the day: Start making copies of important papers ie birth certificate, passport. Also get a traveling pouch. In case you lose your passport at least you have a copy of it with you. Don't put the copy and the original passport together.

Do you have any questions?

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