Each day it seems that I either learn something new or something happens to me that has never happen to me. Which I am sure is true for me back in the States but being in a different country makes those subtle changes in my every day routine even more apparent.
Right now it is kind of a waiting game with my classes. I'm "enrolled" but being "enrolled" is different from being signed up for tutorials which I think is more important than anything. However, each faculty (which is what they call colleges) does it differently and to register for tutorials you have to wait till they open it up. I'm lucky because I get preferred campus registration. Which means I'm more likely to get the tutorial times I want. Nevertheless I'm still worried that for some reason (because the unexpected can always occur) that I won't get into the tutorials I need. Everyone tells me that it shouldn't be difficult but people say a lot of things...
I haven't purchased textbooks yet because I don't want to find out that I cannot get into the tutorial I want and need to drop that class. I hate waiting and I hate doing things at the last minute. I believe in always being prepared. I shouldn't worry to much though because next week I only have lecture no tutorials, seminars, or labs.
I had to wrestle with myself yesterday over weather or not to take 5 classes or not. I decided not. Although that means my senior year at UA will be heavy with 5 classes each semester. Darn. But I figure it is better to do a heavy load at UA where I am used to the pressure and not in Australia where the classes may be more intense than I'm used to it. In addition, I am here to have some fun. If I did 5 classes I would have been in classes 5 days a week, now at least I get Friday's off! :) I hope that will allow me to maybe go to Sydney for a weekend or something.
I spent today tracking down my classes. I also checked out the library which practically has an art museum inside!
I than spent an hour at this cafe on Uni. I was going to buy lunch there until I saw the prices. The cheapest meal was $16! It was much more classy than I though. Instead I just got a coffee, a macchiato. Bad choice, not at all like Starbucks. lol. But I loved just sitting there looking at the green Uni and listening to the birds chirp. I had some nice dining companions; birds. One in particular was quite the pre-Madonna if you ask me. He just strutted right into the place like he owned it. Although refused to get close to anyone. He perched himself on the table and seemed to get fussy when he wasn't served fast enough. Although he didn't mind posing for me for pictures. :)
After there I went to my favorite spot. At which time I was chased by two different types of birds. When I say chase I mean they are pretty fearless and started coming up to me. I had enough fear for the both of us that I quickly moved away. lol. I don't know these birds and who knows if they get feisty. I didn't want to find out. Esp. one who has this beautiful orange beak scared be a bit because his claws I'm pretty sure if he got them on me would break me in half. haha.
Most of the birds though spent there time hiding under the shade as today was quiet hot! It feels like Tucson during the summer, only with a bit of humidity.
There was a picture perfect moment, that if I could have captured it I would have because all the different types of birds that reside here at Uni were just gathered in the same area by a pond hanging out together.
I'm easily impressed with things that are novel to me. I think its kind of a blessing since I can enjoy the small things in life.
Last two nights have been fun. I stayed on campus and hanged out with the kids who aren't old enough to go to the pubs. I kind of had more fun doing that than going to the pubs. No alcohol just good times and laughs. The first night we played cards, I taught some of them how to play Blackjack and Texas Hold 'Em. I'm a great influence aren't I? But that doesn't compare to the show they introduced me to, which is called "Skins." It seriously had sex, drugs, and rock and roll. I was kind of surprised how explicit the show was... Than last night we watched "Across the Universe" amazing movie. If you haven't seen it I say you should. Although you should note you need to be in a thinking mood and keep in mind some things may not make sense at first.
Oh and I hate the alarms here. The last two nights it went off, once it went off twice in one night! It is the most awful noise I have ever heard in my life.
I keep finding more words that Americans and Australians have differences in:
Ketchup is called Tomato sauce
Elevator is called Lift
Fireman are called the Fire Brigade
Levels in a building go from, ground floor to first floor, ect. Although I have found in buildings they make it even more confusing by doing things like Ground floor, A1, first floor ect.
Here are some pictures from my adventures at Uni today: I really can't get enough of Uni!