I figured out why things like soda and chocolate taste different here than in the States. Australia doesn't use corn syrup as much as the U.S.
The weather hasn't been all that great these past few days. The sun at least has been out for the most part, but the humidity has sucked! My skin has darkened so much in just the last couple of days. I need to invest in some sun lotion.
I found my substitute for Starbucks! Even better it at Uni and not to expensive. I found that caramel latte here are what I'm used to being Caramel macchiatos.
I purchased my textbooks for this semester...so far only $90 something. Not bad. I'm excited because the two I have for my history courses look so interesting. I read the introduction for one of them and found it an easy read.
There really isn't anything too exciting to report. I've been having fun and staying up super late! I'm trying to enjoy it all now before classes start on Monday. I'm so not ready for classes. Its been such a long time since I've had to study that I think I might have forgotten...lol.
Until next time...here some more pictures and film:
The Three Musketeers aka Pub buddies and singing buddies
Yo! Yo! Yo! Whats up?!
Make sure you get some sun screen lotion, but you should be used to that from AZ. I have always hated the humidity so I totally understand. I mean sweating is gross enough.
Best of luck on your first day of classes!!!!
Is that the waterfall on campus?? Make sure you get some sunscreen, and you do look darker!! Glad to see some fun-looking pics, you party animal!!
I was looking for other Australia study abroad blogs and stumbled upon yours. Just thought I'd say hi and hope you're enjoying your time here as much as I am. Also, you're dead on about the corn syrup.
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