Monday, February 18, 2008

Bored, Confused, Whatever

Today was Orientation and as I reflect back on it I probably should have gone into it with more of a positive outlook. Instead all I could think about was my Orientation at UA and how horrifying that was. I was expecting this to be the same. It wasn't as overwhelming but it was boring and I felt it was kind of useless. I got some useful info (i.e. handouts) but the stuff they talked about was kind of pointless to me (i.e. Spring Break trips). Although hearing about trips is great, I kind of think they should have made it an option. So instead of registering for classes and getting advising (which shouldn't our education be focused on?) we spent learning about life in Australia.

I was not alone in my confusion either. First, off the leader we had was not at all enthusiastic and really had not much of an idea of what to do. In addition she wasn't really helpful with the advice and I kind of got the feeling that she though all of us were crazy because we were freaking out about how to register. It was fusterating to see others who were having no problem at all.

We got no instructions. One minute we are eating, the next they are taking our picture for our ID, and then throwing us in a computer room to register. No directions. I was like "umm what do I register for? I haven't even seen an adviser yet." The student helper was like, "You haven't seen an adviser yet?"

Ultimately what did I get out of today? Nothing, expect finding out that I need to sign up for classes myself. Fun. I have to wait 24 hours too to do that before my password and user name is activated. I'm worried that all the classes will be filled. I also have to wait for my advisers back in Tucson to get back to me because I want to make sure the classes I take here will count back home.

See the downside of applying early, the course schedule for the semester you plan on going isn't available. I did do a pre-approval form but not much good that did me.

::Sigh:: As you can tell I was a bit flustered today. But once I got back to Campus East, ate, talked to a few people, tried to plot out a general idea of what classes I want, I felt better. I don't feel so stressed right now. I like it. But it is odd to me since I'm used to worrying about everything. But I know right now there really isn't anything I can do so I might as well not worry about it. :) Australia is rubbing off on me. ;)

Like I said before, being flexible is key.


Anonymous said...

It will all work out in the end. Sorry that it was not as good as you expected. But it will get better!!

Jason said...

"No worries" - love that attitude, and hope that I too, someday, can relate. So basically it is a shame your orientation was so useless to you, and I am already freaking out about class because I have those pre-approval forms but my course schedules won't go up until August when I register for classes in Germany so I will probably be in the same boat you are in. Not sure if that makes you feel any better, but the bottom line is that I hope all of your classes count for something here!! Keep soaking up that Australian weather and greenery!!