Friday, January 18, 2008


Since Quantas is not an American airline they don't have to follow the Airlines Carriers Access Act. They use it as a guide. Which means they can charge for taking two wheelchairs. I am in the process of working that out though. But just keep that in mind if you take an airline that isn't American; look up their guidelines and find out what services they will provide for you. If possible, it might be best to take an American airline to your destination.

Another correction...I went to Bank of America to do some investigation to see if it would be worth transferring some funds into a Bank of America account...and actually it could cost more. Although Bank of America only charges 1% to converge money, there is also $3 for withdrawing from a non-Bank of America. However, they do have a partner bank there...Westpac and if you withdrawal from their ATMs you would not be charged for taking out money. Yet since they didn't know how prevalent Westpac was there I decided not to and went to Compass. Which I found a much better deal. They only charge 1% for converging money however, they also don't charge from taking out from any ATM including internationally and they also refund international charges. All you have to do is save your slips and send them to Compass and they will give you back those fees. But you do have to send back the slips within 90 days. I felt it would be more convenient to have the option of withdrawing from any ATM.

Tip of the Day: Double check things. Like above, one person told me that Quantas couldn't charged, however, since they are not an American airline they can. It is best to ask twice then later find out there was miscommunication.

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