Friday, April 18, 2008

Just Updating

I realized its been a bit since I last wrote. Not much really has been happening here though.

The weather has been rainy for almost a week now. No bueno. I've been kind of in a funk. I have started to realize just how long its been since I've seen family and friends back home. In addition, everyone here is super stressed and busy with their mid-sessions. I on the other had have none so I have been bored. I've been trying to slowly work toward getting my 5 bijillion papers done. The fear of them hang over me. As I'm terrified I won't get them done some how. It is 10x worse that I'm kind of a perfectionist in the sense I need to put a 110% in each paper and not just pop it out the night before. I need to feel I really truly did my best.

For the past couple of weeks, one night a week, a group of girls and I have been cooking each other dinner. This week it was pizza. I was pretty impressed at how well it turned out. The other week we had a meat pie. It was steak and mushroom. Yeah, pretty much amazing. :)

Last night was a Black Opal social. I have such a good time hanging out with Phase II people here. Seriously, I look forward to my Friday meetings because it is a guarantee I will laugh soo much. For the social last night we watched "The Dead Poets Society" I highly recommend it.

Tonight I just had a mini-marathon of Grey's. And although it was episodes I've already seen it was fun watching it as I miss it dearly. I forgot how much Grey's keeps me sane.

1 comment:

Jason said...

"Dead Poet's Society" is my all-time favorite movie!! Sorry to hear that it has been so rainy and that you have been in such a funk--hope you come out of it soon. This dinner club sounds fun too.