Thursday, June 19, 2008

Saying my Goodbyes

And so it begins, the process of letting go.

By far this has been and will be the hardest goodbye I have ever made in my life. The process started to day as people slowly trickle out of my life.

As I've been saying to everyone here...I'm not leaving them, they are leaving me. Most people are done with exams and are now heading home for the break. I don't leave till this coming Tuesday. By then very few people will be around. By then I will have said goodbye to people that I never imaged meeting in my life but that my life is now all that much better because of them.

I haven't cried yet and I don't know if I will. I'm not much of a crier when it comes to goodbyes. I tend to just get a heavy heart.

These past few days have been even more amazing by the fact that I've been able to enjoy everyone's company one last time. I did movie day with Stefan. Afternoon hang outs with Katherine, Lewis, and Tom. And of course nights out. Yesterday was my last Glassy's...well not last last (at least I hope not), but last for at least another year.

I've decided with much determination that I will return here this time next year. It may seem silly to spend money on a airplane ticket, to see a place I've already seen instead of going some place new. But Australia has officially become my other home. Not returning here seems much more silly than not.

I've been in the process of packing for the last couple of days as well. However, I still have yet set in stone how I'm getting to the airport. haha. See much Australia has already changed me? I'm usually a planner. These kind of very important details I normally have worked out months in advance.

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