Saturday, May 17, 2008

In Routine

I'm hoping as I type this blog a title for it will eventually come. I usually think of titles before typing. I seriously sometimes sit in class, if the class is dull and think of a title for a blog or my Facebook status. haha. It is so funny how technology has become so important in our lives. Funny or scary. Depending on how you look at it. Ah! Look at me going on a rant. Further evidence that I've been procrastinating full on this past week.

This past Tuesday was our WellFair Day event. When I say our, I'm referring to my Black Opal group here. It was a great event. We raised $620! I'm very proud to be able to say I was part of that. That goal is the most any Black Opal Phase II group has ever raised. The event ran very smooth and I think we got our message across to a few people at least. If I get some pictures of it I'll be sure to post.

I'm two more papers and three exams away from being done. All I can think about is the freedom I will be enjoying for 10 days when I'm done. I'm super excited that my last exam is Friday, June 13th!!! I'm thinking of hoping on a train to Sydney. Hopefully meeting Lindsey there. Then coming down that night and the next night...guess what?! Its my birthday. It is kind of disappointing though that very few people will be done with exams at that point. Seriously its a lose lose situation my birthday. Back home everyone is always away on my birthday and here we have stupid exams. Oh well.

I went shopping yesterday. I intended to buy two dresses. I ended up with just a black clutch purse. Its funny how whenever I go with the intentions to spend lots of money I don't but when I don't want to spend lots of money I do.

Oh I forgot to mention. So you know that paper that I got a 62 on?! I took it to my Tutor again. She still stands by her belief that she thought I would have at least received a Credit. She gave me 5 extra points which bumped me up to a Credit. She couldn't give me more but that is okay Credit = happy. :) Now I just have to worry about last paper...for that class. Which again not being graded by our tutors and this time they can't give us extra points. :/

Sorry this blog is kind of...blah. Things are good. I'm procrastinating with school work because I lack motivation. Compared to everyone else I really have nothing to do. Things are blah I think because I'm in routine.

I'm somewhat worried now because next week is the last week of classes and I really don't know what my grades are in most of my courses as they all lay in the balance of the papers I just turned in and the exams I will be taking.

I'm noticing that I'm getting lots of views on this blog! YAY! Do you have any questions? Things about studying abroad that I'm not answering in my bogs? Feel free to post a comment to ask or you can email me too at
I don't bite.

Oh and I know I mentioned in one my first blogs that I suck at grammar but I also such at typos. :/ I was reading some past blogs and seeing all these typo errors I made. Sorry!


Jason said...

Congrats on raising so much money for your group--that's awesome!!

Jason said...

That posted way too early. I also wanted to comment on the shopper's paradox you wrote about--happens to me too. I always try to go thinking I will buy a lot now so that I end up usually buying little, but sometimes I still go with the intention of buying nothing and the result isn't pretty.

Also congrats on your 5 extra points!

Enjoy your last week of classes and good luck on your tests and papers!!

Anonymous said...

It is funny that even in a different country things can be/feel exactly the same.