Sunday, February 17, 2008

Mexican, French, Swedish, Asian...

When I was coming to Australia I figure that the majority of the people I would meet would be Australian. However, quickly I have learned that Australia really has representation from all kinds of nationalities and I am loving it!

Yesterday I went to the mall here. OMG! I really think I could spend days in it and not only get lost but find myself quiet entertained. I loved it. My Japanese friend, Ming, and my very new friend (that I had just met the night before and had breakfast with) Michael who is from France (he says his name much sexier than just Michael)...went to the mall. While at lunch we realized that we each had gotten something to eat that was very close to our nationality. haha. It was than that I realized how cool it was that I was having lunch and hanging out with such a diverse group.

There was a campus party last night too and there I met more people from different places. I met a guy from Sweden and Javier who is my suite mate is from Mexico City.

Apparently bus loads of Americans have been arriving the past couple of days. I think there are mixed feelings of that. Not really that Australians hate it but Americans come all the time so its kind of normal.

Tomorrow is Orientation. Keep your fingers crossed that I can get my classes I need. I'm nerves about that because they do things different here...


Anonymous said...

I hope orientation is going well down there, and that you got all the classes that you needed and wanted.

Jason said...

Yay for diversity!! Good luck getting the classes you need, and keep enjoying the greenery!!!!!!!!